Could you bike to work? What about to your favorite coffee shop or restaurant? The pandemic has created a "bike boom," and leaders at the Rochester…
ConnectionsLocal urbanists share their 2021 wish list. What laws or rules or regulations could change to allow for more community building? Outdoor interaction…
Local cyclist Bryan Agnello was hit by a car in early January, and now the driver of that car is suing him for damaging the vehicle. As reported by CITY…
North Clinton Avenue has a problem.“North Clinton is one of the most unsafe corridors in the state for pedestrian activity,” said Stantec’s Michael…
If you own a car, think about how easy it is to get in, drive yourself to work, and park near your building each day. It’s something you may take for…
ConnectionsWe respond to our listeners who have said, "Every time you talk about walkability, you only talk about Rochester!" So we're turning our attention to the…
A local volunteer organization is sponsoring its second annual ROC Transit Day set for June 20th. It's designed to encourage people to try the public…