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Dungeons & Dragons turned 50 this year. What keeps the game so popular?

Five smiling people wearing headphones sit in a radio talk studio. A guest front left has brown hair and is wearing glasses, a jacket with pins, and dark jeans; a guest front center has short brown hair, a short mustache and beard, and is wearing glasses, a red, white, and blue plaid shirt, and jeans; a guest back left has brown hair and is wearing glasses and a multi-colored sweater; a guest back center has short brown hair and is wearing glasses and a green polo shirt; the host at right has short dark hair and is wearing glasses, a pink plaid button-down shirt, and blue pants.
Megan Mack
(foreground) Eira Brand, Sean Boyle, (background) Ben Doran, Jon-Paul Dyson, and (at right) David Streever on "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Friday, October 11, 2024
A smiling man wearing headphones sitting in front of a microphone with a "WXXI" logo. He has short dark hair and is wearing glasses, a pink button-down plaid shirt, and blue pants.
Megan Mack
David Streever

WXXI's David Streever guest hosts this hour.

We talk Dungeons & Dragons with game researchers, publishers, designers, and players. What keeps the game so fresh after 50 years? How has it grown with its original fans? What other games has it inspired? What are the social benefits of role playing?

We discuss it all with our guests:

*Note: To learn more about the Dungeons & Dragons exhibit at the Strong Museum of Play, click here.

Our guests had recommendations for people looking for ways to play or get involved in RPGs and Dungeons & Dragons:

Sean Boyle:
You can attend his free weekly game test sessions, Crashtest Games. All are welcome. Monday nights starting at 6:00 PM in 2150 at the MAGIC Building on the RIT Campus.

David Streever is a journalist who authored books and reported for magazines before joining public media in 2019. He was editor-in-chief of an arts and culture magazine and has covered everything from bike racing to housing and poverty. Outside of work, he's a proud dad who bikes and cooks with his family.