Megan Mack
WXXI's David Streever guest hosts this hour.
We talk Dungeons & Dragons with game researchers, publishers, designers, and players. What keeps the game so fresh after 50 years? How has it grown with its original fans? What other games has it inspired? What are the social benefits of role playing?
We discuss it all with our guests:
- Sean Boyle, principal lecturer of interactive games and media at RIT. He publishes games as Tremorworks on DriveThruRPG.
- Jon-Paul Dyson, Ph.D., senior vice president for exhibits and interpretive resources at the Strong National Museum of Play*
- Ben Doran, game designer/publisher of Dead Halt at ZONWARE
- Eira Brand, game designer and head of crowdfunding and fulfillment at Wraithmarked Creative and Development, and lead at It's Never Dark Enough
*Note: To learn more about the Dungeons & Dragons exhibit at the Strong Museum of Play, click here.
Our guests had recommendations for people looking for ways to play or get involved in RPGs and Dungeons & Dragons:
Sean Boyle:
You can attend his free weekly game test sessions, Crashtest Games. All are welcome. Monday nights starting at 6:00 PM in 2150 at the MAGIC Building on the RIT Campus.