We hear the stories of young people who have come to Rochester as immigrants or refugees. A new book called "Green Card Youth Voices: Immigration Stories from Upstate New York High Schools" chronicles their journeys through a series of essays written by the students themselves. They represent 15 countries and Puerto Rico. Some of their families fled violence, natural disasters, and economic insecurity. Others sought better health care, education, and job opportunities.
While the students' paths to America were different, they share a common goal: to adjust to and find acceptance in their new homeland. In their essays, they share the challenges they've faced and the hope they have for their new lives. They will read their essays during an upcoming virtual event, but first, they join us on Connections. Our guests:
- Tea Rozman, executive director of Green Card Voices
- Esma Okutan, Brighton High School student originally from Turkey
- Kate Liavanava, Brighton High School student originally from Belarus
- Stivia Jorgji, Brighton High School student originally from Albania