Why does the United States have more poverty than any other advanced democracy?
It’s a question Pulitzer Prize-winning author and sociologist Matthew Desmond explores in his book, “Poverty, by America.” Desmond will discuss his research as a guest of the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI) in March, but first, he joins us on Connections. We also talk to local anti-poverty leaders about RMAPI’s 2024 policy priorities, including housing, childcare, access to mental health supports, and more.
Our guests:
- Matthew Desmond, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and sociologist
- Aqua Porter, executive director of RMAPI
- Brian Lewis, member of RMAPI’s Steering Committee and executive director of ROC the Future Alliance
- Shawn Burr, member of RMAPI’s Housing Working Group and executive director of the Rochester Housing Authority
- Larry Marx, co-chair of RMAPI’s Policy Working Group and CEO of the Children’s Agenda