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Coming up on "Connections:" July 12, 2024

Mayor Malik Evans gestures with his hands behind a podium surrounded by flowers
Max Schulte
Rochester Mayor Malik Evans standing at a podium, gesturing while delivering a speech. He has short black hair and is wearing a suit and tie.

12:00: Mayor Malik Evans on the City of Rochester's 2024-2025 budget

1:00: What are emotional emancipation circles?

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans joins us to discuss the new budget, and the priorities his administration is supporting. The Evans administration is touting tax cuts, housing policy, public safety initiatives, children's programming, and more. It's our chance to talk to the mayor and leaders of City Council, and we take questions and comments from listeners. In studio:

  • Rochester Mayor Malik Evans
  • Miguel Meléndez, Jr., president of Rochester City Council
  • Mitch Gruber, member of Rochester City Council, and chair of Council's Finance Committee

Guest host Eric Logan leads our second hour. July is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Many consider a significant starting point to slavery in America to be 1619, when the privateer, the White Lion, brought 20 enslaved Africans ashore in the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. Over the next few years, more than 10 million enslaved Africans disembarked on America’s shores. Slavery in the U.S. lasted over 244 years, with another 100 years of systematic and personal oppression, with the undercurrent of the fallacy of white superiority extending even until today. What has been the impact on Black mental and emotional health in our culture? What tools are available to achieve emotional emancipation? This hour, we explore this question and hear about grassroot efforts to heal from—and end—the trauma caused by the lie of Black inferiority. Our guests:

  • Melanie Funchess, director of mental health and wellness at Common Ground Health, and emotional emancipation circle facilitator and trainer
  • Anderson Allen, emotional emancipation circle facilitator, yogi, and healer in Common Ground Health’s Healers’ Village
  • Lamar the Therapist, emotional emancipation circle facilitator and mental health clinician
  • Karen Podsiadly, emotional emancipation circle (EEC) master facilitator, certified trainer, and coordinator of EEC activities in Rochester
Evan Dawson is the host of "Connections with Evan Dawson." He joined WXXI in January 2014 after working at 13WHAM-TV, where he served as morning news anchor. He was hired as a reporter for 13WHAM-TV in 2003 before being promoted to anchor in 2007.
Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.

Connections with Evan Dawson

Connections is our daily, live talk show. It airs live weekdays, noon-2 p.m., and re-airs at 9 and 10 p.m. You can also find us wherever you find your podcasts.

Join us with questions or comments by phone at 1-844-295-TALK (8255), email, Facebook or Twitter.

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For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with the day, subject, and start time (noon or 1 pm) of the episode for a transcript.