First hour: Discussing why the global rate of domestic violence has increased and how to reverse it
Second hour: Updates from the Center for Youth, and previewing Fashion Week Rochester 2023
Many of the statistics tracking domestic violence are moving in the wrong direction. Willow Domestic Violence Center is taking steps to change that. But the local trends follow a global increase in domestic violence in the last decade. This hour, we discuss how community organizations and individuals can better support domestic violence survivors. Our guests:
- Meaghan de Chateauvieux, president and CEO of Willow Domestic Violence Center
- Carmen Cong, navigator at the Willow Family Justice Center
- Alia Henton-Williams, manager of the Crisis Intervention Services Unit for the City of Rochester
Then in our second hour, the executive director of the Center for Youth says it was a tough summer for the young people and families supported by the organization. The Center provides shelter, housing, crisis services, and programs for youth who face a range of challenges. This hour, we discuss the center’s work in light of recent community events, and we preview Fashion Week Rochester, which supports the center’s programming. Our guests:
- Elaine Spaull, executive director for the Center for Youth
- Qiana Perry, designer, and staff member for the Center for Youth
- Titiana Bogar, designer
- Rob Tortorella, founder of Endless Highway, and supporter of Fashion Week Rochester