In a recent piece for CITY Magazine, editor David Andreatta detailed plans for a proposed Food Policy Council in Rochester. The council would address the…
ConnectionsOne of the highest rated restaurants in the world, Eleven Madison Park in New York City, is removing all animal products from its menu. Eleven Madison's…
Much like many restaurants amid the pandemic, Kainos Restaurant owner Jeff Scott has been taking a beating. For months, dine-in service wasn’t an option…
The concept of a citizen-led council to inform the community's approach to health and food equity has been discussed in Rochester for decades, according…
Cars were backed up a block at times as people came to the Boys and Girls Club Thursday to pick up food. Most people came by car, while others walked with…
ConnectionsFrom millions of pints of milk being dumped down drains in Britain, to strawberries meant for markets in India being fed to cattle, the pandemic has…
ConnectionsThe Atlantic Monthly has boldly proclaimed, "Foodie culture as we know it is over." The pandemic is "no time for snobbery," the magazine asserts, perhaps…
The owners of an area farm say the nation needs to strike a balance between public health concerns and getting the economy going again, as many farms…
ConnectionsOne of the few activities that remains entirely appropriate during the pandemic is time outdoors, and for many people, that includes planting / gardening…
ConnectionsA team of journalists, chefs, and food lovers have united to launch a new online publication called RochesterFoodNet. It's intended to be a source for all…