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Poll: NYS Voters Want Ethics Issues Separate From The Budget

A new Siena poll says that by a 54 to 41 percent margin, voters in New York State say that Governor Cuomo's proposed ethics reform package should be addressed separately from the budget. Cuomo has said that he would not agree to a budget deal that did not include certain ethics reforms.

In a similar question, voters also said by a 56 to 40 percent margin that the Governor's proposed education policy changes should be addressed separate and apart from the budget.

On the issue of the Cuomo Administration's email policy, while most voters had not heard much about that recent story, 80 percent of those surveyed said state emails should be saved significantly longer than 90 days.

Siena pollster Steve Greenberg says despite how serious a problem they say corruption is in state government, by a 62 to 29 percent margin, voters say an on-time budget is more important than Cuomo's ethics package; that is up significantly from a poll question last month.

And 72 percent of those surveyed say that the state's minimum wage should be increased to at least $10.50 per hour.

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Randy Gorbman is WXXI's director of news and public affairs. Randy manages the day-to-day operations of WXXI News on radio, television, and online.