On Wednesday, a team from Buffalo's Olmsted Parks Conservancy is visiting Rochester to share its success stories. You might not have known that Olmsted was thinking at least in part about the boulevards and squares of Paris when he created Buffalo's coordinated system of parks. And next Sunday, Genesee Valley Park is hosting the annual Olmsted Birthday Bash.
So first, a little history: who was Frederick Law Olmsted, again? And why was he such a massive figure in American parks and design? We explore the potential of capitalizing on Olmsted's work well into the 21st century. Our guests:
- Katie Comeau, architectural historian at Bero Architecture and a board member of the National Association of Olmsted Parks
- JoAnn Beck, board member of Highland Park Conservancy and chair of the Landmark Society’s Olmsted Subcommittee
- Caitlin Meives, preservation planner for the Landmark Society of Western New York
- Stephanie Crockatt, Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy