The Landmark Society of Western New York is out with its annual "Five to Revive."It's a list of properties or locations that are considered priorities for…
ConnectionsSomewhere in your hometown, there is probably a historic building that you hope will be protected – a home, and old church, a beautiful barn. Each year,…
ConnectionsWhen historic buildings and spaces are successfully preserved, they help tell the stories of the communities that used and cared about them. But what…
ConnectionsDoes historic preservation need a new approach? According to a recent piece in City Lab, the preservation landscape is changing, and the preservation…
ConnectionsHow can we balance historic preservation with economic development?This fall, the Landmark Society released its annual "Five to Revive" list. A site in…
ConnectionsWe're joined by members of the Landmark Society and the Out Alliance to talk about historic places in our community that have played a pivotal role in the…
ConnectionsThe Trump administration's proposed tax plan would eliminate the federal historical tax credit, and this has many local preservationists concerned about…
ConnectionsCalling all carpenters, masons, painters, and craftspeople: New York needs you. State and federal tax credits are making it more financially feasible for…
ConnectionsThe Landmark Society of Western New York has released its 2016 "Five to Revive," a list of local historic buildings, landscapes, and structures in need of…
ConnectionsDo you know the story of Stonewall? Many Americans don't, even though it's become a national monument, and a tremendously important place in the gay…