The Lake Guardian that was docked at the Port of Rochester for little more than a day set sail Tuesday without fanfare. It’s a working ship, after all,…
A recent report from the Government Accountability Office says that the International Joint Commission, the agency that helps regulate water levels on…
Public swimming at Ontario Beach Park is now open for the 2020 season.Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said that county lifeguards are on duty and…
Researchers at RIT are working to find out how tiny particles of plastic pollution are impacting Lake Ontario. Earlier this year, the university received…
Experts with the board that helps regulate Lake Ontario sound cautiously optimistic that shoreline property owners won't face the kinds of flooding…
After pressure from lawmakers and residents of the shoreline, the International Joint Commission is reviewing Lake Ontario regulation Plan 2014.The plan…
The start of the shipping season on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River will be delayed by at least 12 days. It’s due to the efforts to try and deal…
Twenty sites along the Lake Ontario shoreline and the St. Lawrence River have been selected for dredging in order to prevent future flooding. Governor…
The international body that helps regulate water levels on Lake Ontario and in the St. Lawrence River is forecasting a return to flood-level heights...
Outflows will be increased from Lake Ontario.Lake Ontario is still high -- about 246 feet high. The Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board says they’re…