A popular coffee shop on East Avenue in Rochester is temporarily closed. A sign on the door of Spot Coffee indicates the Monroe County Health Dept. issued an order on Feb. 9, ordering the establishment closed and all food operations to cease in connection with the NY State Sanitary Code.
The state health department’s website lists a number of health code violation including one called a “critical violation” related to food from an “unapproved source, spoiled, adulterated on premises.”
Other violations are related to issues such as food not being protected from potential sources of contamination, and not having effective measures to control rodents and insects from entering the restaurant.

A statement provided to WXXI News from Peter Kervin, District Operations Manager for Spot Coffee, said that the company takes the recent reports very seriously and that when learning of the complaints and inspection findings, Spot took immediate action to address the issue.
The statement said that Spot was closed temporarily while the company works to rectify the situation and ensure measures are taken to prevent any recurrence of the violations.
Kervin’s statement also said that Spot Coffee is fully cooperating with the county health department and thorough cleaning and sanitation procedures are being implemented; Spot is also working with pest control services.
Kervin said that the company is “committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure that Spot Rochester meets and exceeds all health and safety standards.” He also said they appreciate the community’s understanding and patience as they “work to resolve this matter promptly.”
There was no immediate word on when Spot will reopen.