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UPDATE: Gun Deal Passes in Albany

Update 4:32 p.m.: The State Assembly passed the NY SAFE act, the toughest gun control legislation in the nation. Live video of Governor Cuomo signing the bill starts at 4:45 p.m.

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New details are emerging on gun control legislation that lawmakers say could be passed as early as today.

Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein predicts that New York State could have the toughest in the nation gun control laws before Tuesday that includes closing loopholes in the assault weapons ban and strengthened penalties for illegal guns.  

“When all is said and done, we’re going to pass a comprehensive gun bill today,” Klein said.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he expects Governor Cuomo to waive the three day waiting period for the bills so the legislation could be voted on as soon as the deal is sealed.

“The message out there is so clear after Newtown,” Silver said. “It is an emergency.”

Speaker Silver says the agreement will also expand the state’s involuntary mental health treatment statute known as Kendra’s Law.