Open Door Mission is embarking on a new venture.The nearly 70-year-old organization, which provides emergency shelter and services for homeless…
In 2017, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a $20 billion five-year plan to "combat homelessness and create affordable housing for all New Yorkers." This…
A new affordable housing development broke ground in the Joseph Avenue corridor in Rochester on Thursday.The housing project, Pueblo Nuevo, will be made…
Volunteers of America is announcing more housing opportunities in Rochester for people who are homeless.The VOA expects seven new supportive housing units…
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced supportive housing and homeless shelter funding recently. Three organizations in Monroe County have been awarded a total…
How can we help local women and children in crisis find stability in their lives? It's a vital but often difficult step, and a new partnership is aiming…
By next year at this time, there should be a new 3-story apartment building on Alexander Street, across from Monroe High."It's fantastic. These projects…
We should see numbers Monday for a part of our society that is often difficult to quantify."This is a first go. It's not perfect by any means, but I think…