Connections20 years ago, the film “American Beauty” was released. It won the Oscar for Best Picture in 2000. Today, it is routinely mocked. The Little Theatre has…
ConnectionsWhat is the difference between parody and satire? The line between the two is often blurred, but both can be effective tools in making social and…
ConnectionsWhen tennis superstar Serena Williams was penalized multiple times during the U.S. Open final on Saturday, her reaction led to controversy. Williams told…
ConnectionsWhat happens when we blend politics, journalism, and entertainment? In one sense, we get appearances like Sean Spicer at the Emmys this past weekend. We…
ConnectionsTina Fey’s sketch last week set off a debate about sheetcake feminism.” Fey urged viewers to ignore white supremacists who rally in places like…
ConnectionsIs American satire dead? Author Malcolm Gladwell says it is.Think Tina Fey was great as Sarah Palin? Gladwell calls it "toothless." Jimmy Fallon as Donald…
In the wake of the murders at Charlie Hebdo, the world has been talking about satire. What is its value? Why do extremists feel so threatened by it? We…