The Strong museum is announcing a tourism campaign that will include other museums and cultural institutions in the Rochester area.It’s called Play…
Editor's Note: a previous version of the story indicated that the event would happen Wednesday night, however the actual lunar eclipse took place at…
Jenni Werner moved to Rochester 10 years ago. She certainly knew the stories of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass. Everyone who has sat through a…
An expansive, diverse exhibit at the Rochester Museum & Science Center is an homage to the contributions of generations of pioneering local women."The…
Three of Rochester’s largest cultural attractions: the Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester Museum and Science Center, and The Strong National Museum of Play,…
The Rochester Museum and Science Center is thinking ahead to the time when it can reopen.On Tuesday, it said it plans to open a new exhibit this fall…
Four of Rochester’s biggest museums -- the Memorial Art Gallery, The Strong the Rochester Museum & Science Center and George Eastman Museum-- announced…
Some Rochester area cultural organizations will be meeting soon to talk about potential impacts from the concerns about the novel coronavirus.A meeting…
The Strasenburgh Planetarium at the Rochester Museum & Science Center is using the facility’s new digital projection system to show off a new program…
A $1.2 million renovation project at the Strasenburgh Planetarium at the Rochester Museum & Science Center is now complete, and grand reopening…