The Community Design Center of Rochester is asking whether the pandemic is making people reconsider where and how they live.The nonprofit, which promotes…
ConnectionsHow can so-called rust belt cities take advantage of the digital economy to revitalize their urban centers? It’s a question planner and developer Jennifer…
ConnectionsHow can urban design help alleviate poverty? It’s a question that informs the work of Katie Swenson, the vice president of National Design Initiatives at…
ConnectionsWhat can Rochester learn from a city like Birmingham, Michigan? The city – just north of Detroit – has been hailed for completely implementing a plan…
ConnectionsWe preview the final event of the Community Design Center's 2017 Reshaping Rochester Series. This time, the focus is on riverfront revitalization,…
ConnectionsHow and where we build housing, streets, and stores can have major effects the health of our communities. That’s the focus of the next Reshaping Rochester…
ConnectionsUrban agriculture: it's a growing and popular concept in many places, and it's the subject of the next Reshaping Rochester event. So what is the future of…
ConnectionsWe talk about urban rebirth in upstate cities. Arian Horbovetz is a photographer and writer who has been traveling across the state to highlight the…
ConnectionsThe Reshaping Rochester Series looks to an unlikely source for inspiration: Detroit. Maurice Cox, a respected veteran in community design and the former…
ConnectionsThe Community Design Center is launching its 2017 Reshaping Rochester Series, with a call for more civic engagement. The new season of events is titled…