Add Nazareth College to the list of local colleges and universities that will require all students, faculty and staff to have received the COVID-19…
ConnectionsHow are local colleges and universities handling the 2021 spring semester during the pandemic? Nazareth College has shifted the start of its spring…
540 West Main founder Calvin Eaton said the organization took their social justice themed workshops online because of the COVID-19 pandemic and with that…
Nazareth College says it’s working with New York state and the Monroe County Health Department to contain an emerging cluster of COVID-19 cases within the…
Nazareth College says that it has received notification of a positive COVID-19 test for a member of the Nazareth community who has been on campus.In a…
A recently retired local college president already has a new job. Daan Braveman, who led Nazareth College for 15 years before stepping down in June…
After 15 years, Nazareth College President Daan Braveman officially stepped down Tuesday. The Rochester native announced his retirement last year.Braveman…
Monroe Community College Interim President Kate Douglas said she doesn’t like the term “reopening,” because she said the college never really closed.…
Nazareth College is committed to providing an on-campus experience this fall. Nazareth, like many colleges, has been providing classes online during the…
Nazareth College is now among the area colleges and universities moving to online learning and other alternative teaching methods as part of the effort to…