Monroe County Executive Adam Bello has signed an executive order which requires all non-governmental county contractors to comply with federal and state…
ConnectionsWe mark the annual Black Women’s Equal Pay Day with a conversation about how to make change. Our guests are organizing local events and aim to – in the…
ConnectionsIn New York State, black women earn 65 cents for every dollar a non-Hispanic white male makes doing similar work. A local group is trying to change that.…
ConnectionsWe're joined by a coach who helps our guests walk through the process of a salary negotiation. It's a mock negotiation where our guests ask for a raise,…
ConnectionsHispanic women are paid 54 cents on the dollar earned by white men. That's according to the Economic Policy Institute. In advance of Equal Pay Day, we…
ConnectionsWhen Google recently analyzed employee salaries, it discovered a group of men were collectively paid less than their female colleagues. That prompted the…
ConnectionsNational Equal Pay Day just passed, and we’re taking a look at the state of inequality in pay between genders. We also look at new legislation related to…
ConnectionsEqual Pay Day seeks to highlight the gender pay gap, with ideas on how to close it. In our area, the Coalition of Pay Equity was designed to examine…
ConnectionsIs there a gender pay gap in the Rochester area? We could soon find out, thanks to a new study. Tuesday, April 14th marks Equal Pay Day, which is a day…