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CatVideoFest and rise of the cat people

Three smiling people wearing headphones sit at a table in a radio talk studio: the woman on the left has a long blonde ponytail and is wearing glasses and a grey t-shirt; the man in the center has a dark beard and is wearing a blue and white plaid short sleeved button down shirt; the man on the right has brown hair and a beard and is wearing a long sleeved light grey button down shirt, a dark grey t-shirt, dark khaki pants and grey sneakers.
Julie Williams
Vicky Pape and Johnny Denman with guest host Scott Pukos on "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Friday, August 2, 2024
A smiling man with glasses,short brown hair and a beard and wearing a light grey open button down shirt and dark grey t-shirt sits in front of a microphone at a table in a radio talk studio.
Julie Williams
Scott Pukos guest hosting "Connections with Evan Dawson" on Friday, August 2, 2024

CATS. That's it. That's the topic.

Go on any social media platform, and you're sure to find an influx of cat videos: mischievous, adorable, and downright funny.

CatVideoFest, established in 2019, compiles the best of the best—from viral cat videos to short films and more. It screens this weekend at the Little Theatre.

Join guest host Scott Pukos as he talks with the director of CatVideoFest and local cat adoption experts.

Our guests:

Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.
Julie Williams is an associate producer for "Connections with Evan Dawson" and is also the office administrator for radio, news and technology and operations. She started at WXXI in 2019 and has been working on Connections since 2022.