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AAA: Travel times may triple this Memorial Day weekend

The Memorial Day weekend should be a record-breaker for travelers, according to AAA of Western and Central New York.

AAA Spokesperson Lindsay Kensey says the auto club estimates that 43 million Americans will be traveling, with the vast majority, 37.6 million, traveling by car.

“In New York State, there's a record 2.65 million people traveling for the holiday, 2.3 million will be traveling by car, so there's going to be busy roads wherever we go," she said.

The busiest travel days are Thursday and Friday in the late afternoon as commuters leave work early and mix with holiday travelers.

Industry experts also predict delays on major roads could be more than three times longer than normal during evening commutes.

The record travel numbers come despite gas prices that are about 30 cents a gallon higher than they were a couple of months ago, and average close to $3 a gallon in New York.