Vaughn Golden
Insurance companies are now mandated to cover drivers with additional supplemental spousal liability insurance, unless they opt out.
Officials with the New York State Board of Elections say they've received reports from 13 counties that people are impersonating election officials, going door to door and asking to see voters' identification.
Members of the Planning and Economic Development Committee want to revise a working group’s proposal, creating a single “green zone” area where the city allows encampments.
The case could open the door to redrawing congressional district maps.
While speaking in Binghamton Monday, Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado declined to join Gov. Kathy Hochul in calling some policies to respond to New York City’s influx of migrants "bigoted."
Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo is suing the Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government, arguing the panel violates portions of the state constitution after it brought enforcement action initially started by its predecessor.
Digital Gadgets, a firm scrutinized for its owners’ involvement in Gov. Kathy Hochul’s campaign at the same time the company secured $637 million in contracts to deliver COVID-19 tests, is now suing the administration, arguing it didn’t follow rules for competitive bidding for subsequent test orders.
In a major win for environmental groups, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation placing a two-year ban on new large-scale operations used to generate cryptocurrency Tuesday.
Leaders in the New York Legislature were prepared to spend millions of dollars drawing their own redistricting lines and fighting resulting litigation, months before the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission failed.
President Biden recently pardoned all people charged with marijuana possession under federal law. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand called Biden’s move a good “first step,” but she said that needs to be done.