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Advocates still hopeful about marijuana legalization

Marijuana legalization has been left out of the state budget, but advocates say not all hope is lost.

Mary Kruger is the executive director of Roc NORML, an advocacy group fighting for the legalization of marijuana.

"We were obviously disappointed that it was left out of the budget," she said via phone, "because we want legalization to happen as soon as possible."

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But Kruger also said this gives the state more time to work out the details of legalization. She said her group is fighting for more tax dollars made off marijuana sales to go toward marginalized groups.

"This tax revenue has to be spent in a meaningful way," she said. "If not all of it, then at least, a big chunk of it."

Kruger said her group will continue to work with allies in the Senate and Assembly -- and hopes to see legislation passed that addresses these issues before the end of the session in June.

Veronica Volk is a senior editor and producer for WXXI News.