Wegmans Wonderplace is open at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
It's the first exhibition on the National Mall designed for young children up to age six. Speaking at the dedication today, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter said the 1700 square foot space is dedicated to the imagination, innovation and play of our smallest citizens.
Slaughter says Wegmans has been involved in education for as long as she has known that store.
"Numbers of young people who worked at Wegmans were helped getting into college, scholarships, things that they've done that hardly anybody really knows about, but hundreds of people living in upstate New York now have benefited from Wegmans."
CEO Danny Wegman says the exhibit is aligned with the company's mission.
"What we're really about is trying to help people have healthier, better lives through food."
Wegmans Wonderplace has a small replica of Julia Child's kitchen, and a little farm stand. All play areas are designed to coincide with exhibits in the museum. Wegman says having fun through play is the best way to inspire children to learn.
The learning gallery will be in place for the next 20 years.