There was a dramatic scene, but no one injured, when a steam pipe burst at Strong Memorial Hospital on Monday morning.
It happened around 10 a.m., in front of the hospital’s ambulance parking area.
According to a statement from URMC, the rupture sent a column of steam and small particles of debris into the area.
The steam was shut off within an hour. No one was hurt, and patient care continued without interruption, according to hospital officials.
But the emergency department at Strong was temporarily placed on diversion, which meant that ambulances and EMS helicopters were not able to bring patients while the site was assessed and clean-up work began.
That diversion ended at 2 p.m. on Monday. The helipad has reopened and ambulances have resumed bringing patients to the emergency department through an alternative entrance.
The hospital lobby and parking garage remain open, and the emergency department continues to accept ambulatory patients through the main lobby.