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2023 Voter Guide: Budgets and school board elections in Monroe County

James Brown

Monroe County residents have the chance to vote on school board candidates and district budgets this month.

Unlike in the “Big Five” districts across New York state, which includes the Rochester City School District, school board members in suburban districts serve on a volunteer basis and are not paid.

That’s something that the Monroe County School Boards Association president stresses to voters.

“It's a volunteer elected official position where they spend hundreds of hours a year in their volunteer service to their community,” Amy Thomas said. “By law, an individual school board member does not hold independent authority. The only time a school board can make decisions is when they're together as a collective group.”

In Hilton and Greece in particular, school board candidates debate “parental rights” and book bans.

Voter turnout has generally been low for local school board races and budget votes, Thomas said.

This budget season is the last that districts have to spend federal stimulus funding for pandemic relief. Thomas stressed that this is a critical time for voters to get involved in whether those budgets pass.

“The importance of passing budgets, obviously, is how it directly impacts students,” she said.

Details on 18 district ballots are listed below in alphabetical order.


In the Brighton Central School District, four candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Carrielyn Bertino, Larry Davis (incumbent), Susan Gasparino (incumbent), and Victoria A. Love.

  • Brighton’s proposed budget total: $100 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 7.45%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: The Brighton district covers parts of two towns. The school tax rates are projected at $27.53 for Brighton, and 26.77 for Pittsford. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.75%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap? Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are two others. Proposition 2 authorizes a $19.5 million capital improvement project to renovate French Road Elementary School, Twelve Corners Middle School, and Brighton High School. Proposition 3 would authorize an $800,000 transfer from reserves into the general fund and then spend that money on technology infrastructure and computer equipment. The district says neither resolution would increase the tax levy. 

When and where to vote: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the gymnasium at the Central Administration Building, Door 4, 2035 Monroe Ave., Brighton.


In the Brockport Central School District, three candidates are competing for two open school board seats with five-year terms. The candidates are Robert J. Lewis (incumbent), Benjamin Reed, and Michael Turbeville (incumbent).

  • Brockport’s proposed budget total: $92.4 million.  
  • Proposed budget increase: 3.34%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $20.66. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.98%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap? Yes. 
  • Propositions: There are three. Proposition 1 authorizes the district to spend the 2023-24 budget and also to appropriate and spend $609,000 from a 2021 reserve fund to purchase buses. Proposition 2 would establish a $7.3 million capital reserve fund to purchase and finance new buses. Proposition 3 would establish a $14.7 million capital reserve fund to finance construction on school buildings, including renovations and repairs. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at the Technology and Training Center, 40 Allen St., Brockport.


In the Churchville-Chili Central School District, four candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Michelle Aloi (incumbent), Kevin Johnson, Leah Martorana, and Amy Wilson (incumbent).

  • Churchville-Chili's proposed budget total: $99.2 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 4.75%. 
  • Projected tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: In Riga, $17.89; in Ogden, $23.60; in Chili, $20.35; and in Sweden, $17.51. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.77%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are two others. Proposition 2 would authorize the purchase of eight buses at an estimated cost of $1.35 million. Proposition 3 would authorize the purchase of property at 5788 Buffalo Road for a price not to exceed $285,000. 

When and where to vote: Noon to 9 p.m. May 16 in the north cafeteria (Door 31) at Churchville-Chili Middle School, 139 Fairbanks Road, Churchville.


In the East Irondequoit Central School District, four candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Donald Markham, Daniel McInerney (incumbent), Jill Ricci (incumbent), and Carol Watt (incumbent).

  • East Irondequoit’s proposed budget total: $96.8 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 6.6%. 
  • Projected tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: Not available due to ongoing town reassessment. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.8%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: There are no additional propositions. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Eastridge High School, 2350 East Ridge Road


In the East Rochester Union Free School District, two candidates are running for two open seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Matthew Hogan (incumbent) and Jeff Ugine.

  • East Rochester’s proposed budget total: $31.9 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 5.37%. 
  • Projected tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: Three towns are included. The district has estimated the increase because final assessment data won’t be available until July. In East Rochester, the rate will be $28.43. In Pittsford, the rate will be $28.04. In Perinton, the rate will be $28.43. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.58%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: There are no additional propositions. 

When and where to vote: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, in the Multipurpose Room at 222 Woodbine Ave., East Rochester.


In the Fairport Central School District, three candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Erica Belois-Pacer (incumbent), Lisa Christensen and Nicole Thibault.

  • Fairport’s proposed budget total: $151.7 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 5.31%. 
  • Projected tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $24.24. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.98%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: The Fairport district also contributes money to the Fairport Public Library, though it is not the sole funder. District voters will be able to vote on the Fairport Public Library’s budget, which totals roughly $3.3 million and would raise the tax levy by 2%, putting the library tax rate at 76 cents per $1,000 assessed value. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Johanna Perrin Middle School, 85 Potter Place, Fairport.


In the Gates Chili Central School District, seven candidates are running for four open school board seats. The three candidates with the highest number of votes will serve three-year terms from July 1 through June 30, 2026. The candidate with the fourth-highest number of votes will serve a one-year term from May 17 through June 30, 2024.

The candidates are Scott Bubel, Catherine Coffee (incumbent), Kathryn Davis (incumbent), Jahmar Elliott, Michelle Jennings, Robert Long (incumbent), and Linda Palmer.

  • Gates Chili’s proposed budget total: $128.5 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 5.08%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $24.25. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.99%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are three others. Proposition 2 would authorize buying school buses for up to $1.9 million. New York state provides reimbursement to the district for 75% of the cost of bus purchases. Proposition 3 would create a capital reserve fund of $15 million at most for school building renovations for 10 years. Proposition 4 would allow for a student representative to serve as a member of the school board. 

When and where to vote: 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. May 16 at the Gates Chili Field House, 1 Spartan Way, Gates.


In the Greece Central School District, six candidates are competing for three open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Todd Butler, William Maloney (incumbent), Sean McCabe (incumbent), Miguel Millan, Septimus Scott, and Jordan Stenzel.

  • Greece’s proposed budget total: $290.7 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 9.39%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $24.84. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.87%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there is one other that would purchase up to 35 replacement vehicles for transportation. Approval of the proposition would not affect the tax levy or tax rate. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at 1790 Latta Road, Greece.


In the Hilton Central School District, six candidates are competing for two open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Kaylee Bennett, Lynda Donovan, Melissa Levato, Jack Palmeri, Kristine Price, and Mike Zillioux.

  • Hilton’s proposed budget total: $99.4 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 8.04%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: Four towns are included. In Clarkson the rate will be $18.18. In Greece the rate will be $21.14. In Hamlin the rate will be $27.14. In Parma the rate will be $25.61. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: No increase proposed. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, Proposition 2 would authorize the district to buy seven 65-passenger buses and two 30-passenger school buses for a total of no more than $1.4 million. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton.


In the Honeoye Falls-Lima Central School District, three candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Lynley Guckian, Caralyn Ross, and Susan Thering.

  • Honeoye Falls-Lima's proposed budget total: $59.9 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 4.73%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $20.23. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 1.94%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: There are two. Proposition 1 is to approve the budget and fund any necessary financing agreements. Proposition 2 authorizes the purchase and financing of up to six vehicles for student transportation and all incidental costs, up to $900,777. 

When and where to vote: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the Board of Education room at the High School, 83 East St., Honeoye Falls.


In the Penfield Central School District, three candidates are running for two open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Aaliyah El-Amin-Turner, Krista Khan (incumbent) and Dana Marrer. A meet the candidates night was held on April 25.

  • Penfield’s proposed budget total: $116.9 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 7.1%. 
  • Projected tax rates per $1,000 assessed valuation: The Penfield district covers parts of six towns. The school tax rates are projected at $20.21 for Penfield, $26.77 for Perinton, $28.08 for Pittsford, $27.14 for Brighton, $20.64 for Macedon, and $23.66 for Walworth. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: No increase proposed. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, Proposition 2 authorizes the district to purchase nine school buses: two 71-passenger electric buses, five 66-passenger school buses, and two 30-passenger buses. There would be no additional cost to taxpayers if approved. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the gymnasium at Penfield High School, 25 High School Drive, Penfield.


In the Pittsford Central School District, two candidates are running for two open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Kim Huels and Robin V. Scott (incumbent).

  • Pittsford’s proposed budget total: $155.5 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 4%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: The district did not provide the estimated property tax rate. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 0.08%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap?: Yes. 
  • Propositions: There are three, all of which draw on capital reserve funds, which the district says will not result in additional taxes or debt issuance. Proposition 1 asks for authorization to spend $1.8 million to buy 12 buses along with some related equipment, Proposition 2 asks for authorization to create a Transportation Vehicles Reserve Fund with a size limit of $50 million, and Proposition three asks for authorization to create a Swimming Facilities Reserve Fund with a size limit of $40 million. 

When and where to vote: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the gym at Barker Road Middle School, 75 Barker Road, Pittsford.


In the Rush-Henrietta Central School District, three candidates are running for two open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Shiloh Arthmann, Laura Borate and Carrie Silva Martin.

  • Rush-Henrietta’s proposed budget total: $161.8 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 6.7%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $17.55. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.72% 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are three others. Proposition 2 seeks authorization to spend up to $3.6 million on bus expenditures. Proposition 3 seeks authorization to spend up to $26.6 million for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of school facilities and districtwide systems. Proposition 4 seeks authorization to spend up to $275,000 to purchase property at 1871 Lehigh Station Road.  

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at the Transportation and Operations Center, 1133 Lehigh Station Road, Henrietta.


In the Spencerport Central School District, four candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are David Gibbardo, Marsha Hinman, Jonathan Schallmo, and Lori Stone.

  • Spencerport’s proposed budget total: $92.7 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 5.33%. 
  • Proposed tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: None of the four towns in the district have completed reassessment, but the district has provided estimates based on current projections. In Gates, the rate is estimated at $21.53. In Greece, the rate is estimated at $20.78. In Ogden, the rate is estimated at $25.90. In Parma, the rate is estimated at $25.17. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.6%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, Proposition 2 would reestablish a capital reserve fund of up to $5 million for buses and motor vehicle equipment. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16, in the District Office Building, 71 Lyell Ave., Spencerport.


In the Victor Central School District, five candidates are running for three open school board seats. Two seats have three-year terms, and the third has a one-year term due to a vacated position, according to district officials. The top two vote-getters will fill the three-year seats, and the candidate who gets the third-most votes will fill the one-year term. The candidates are Bryan Adams, Holly Boisvert, Debbie Palumbo-Sanders (incumbent), Christopher Parks (incumbent) and Adam Michael Snyder.

  • Victor’s proposed budget total: $98.9 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 10.9%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $16.03.  
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.18%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are two others. Proposition 2 seeks authorization to spend up to $1.18 million on school buses. Proposition 3 seeks authorization to spend up to $210,000 to purchase vehicles.  

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the Victor Early Childhood School boardroom, 953 High St., Victor.


In the West Irondequoit Central School District, two candidates are running for two open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Victoria Bournival and John T. Vay.

  • West Irondequoit’s proposed budget total: $88.7 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 7.6%. 
  • Projected tax rate per $1,000 valuation: $24.81. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.3%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: There is one -- a referendum to authorize spending up to roughly $19 million for building improvements across the district as part of a long-term capital plan. The district says the project will not have an impact on taxes. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the St. Paul Fire Department, 433 Cooper Road, Irondequoit.


In the Webster Central School District, four candidates are running for two open school board seats with three-year terms. The candidates are Dave Calus, Maria Cortes, Janice Richardson (incumbent), and Christine Shuttleworth.

  • Webster’s proposed budget total: $204.4 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 4.4%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: The Webster district spans four towns. The school tax rates are projected at $27.66 for Webster, $17.07 for Penfield, $19.40 for Ontario, and $19.87 for Walworth. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.43%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap? The levy is at the cap. 
  • Propositions: There is one proposition to purchase nine school buses for up to $1.6 million. 

When and where to vote: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 at Webster Schroeder High School Gym, 875 Ridge Road.


In the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, three candidates are running for three open school board seats with three-year terms. They are Shanna Fraser (incumbent), Keith Nicolosi and Courtney Panek (incumbent).

  • Wheatland-Chil's proposed budget total: $22.2 million. 
  • Proposed budget increase: 6.75%. 
  • Projected average tax rate per $1,000 assessed valuation: $21.61. 
  • Proposed tax levy increase: 2.29%. 
  • Is the levy below the tax cap: Yes. 
  • Propositions: In addition to the budget proposition, there are three others. Proposition 2 seeks authorization to spend up to $235,000 on school transportation purchases. Proposition 3 seeks authorization to spend up to $50,000 for school equipment purchases. Proposition 4 seeks authorization to establish a capital reserve fund.  

When and where to vote: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 16 in the gymnasium at the Middle/High School, 940 North Road, Scottsville.

Noelle E. C. Evans is WXXI's Murrow Award-winning Education reporter/producer.
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