The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce and its Women’s Council affiliate has presented this year’s ATHENA Awards.
Dr. Colleen Davis, chief of the Pediatric Emergency Department at Golisano Children’s Hospital, received the 36th annual ATHENA International Award on Thursday.

The ATHENA International Award is given annually to a professional female leader who has demonstrated significant achievements in business, community service, and the professional advancement of women.
For 31 years, Davis has worked at URMC/Golisano Children’s Hospital, and has served as chief of the Pediatric Emergency Dept. since 2007.
The eight annual ATHENA Young Professional Award went to Tanvi Asher, owner of Shop Peppermint at the Culver Road Armory and Salty Boutique on Park Avenue.
The ATHENA Young Professional Award recognizes emerging leaders in the 30- to 45-year-old range who demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their profession, and also provide valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life of others in the community while serving as a role model for young women both personally and professionally.

The ATHENA Organizational Award was given to Family Promise of Greater Rochester, which assists families at risk of or experiencing homelessness, helping them achieve sustainable independence.
That award goes to a woman-owned or woman-led business or organization that creates a culture encouraging women employees to achieve their full leadership potential.