Maggie Brooks, who ends her 12-year run as Monroe County Executive at the end of this month, already has a new job lined up.
As has been rumored recently after RTS advertised for a new position, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives, Brooks will be filling that role.
CEO of the bus organization, Bill Carpenter says that more resources are now being directed to the community through initiatives such as the Regional Economic Development Councils and the Anti-Poverty Initiative and he says Brooks' experience and dedication to the community makes her the perfect fit for the new job.
Brooks says she is "thrilled to be joining Bill Carpenter and the RTS team to continue serving the community I love." Brooks will report to Carpenter, who used to be her budget director.
Brooks will earn $114,000 in the new job. As County Executive, she earned $120,000. Carpenter says RTS has money in its budget since it had moved one of its executives to another position and left the other job vacant.
Officials say four people applied for the new RTS job and three were interviewed.
Brooks will begin her new position on January 4th.