12 noon: Exploring a brutal murder with the neuropsychologist who analyzed the killer.
1pm: Examining the costs and potential benefits of educating prison inmates.
At noon, forensic neuropsychologist and author Dr. Jerid Fisher explains why he wrote the book describing the brutal murder of a beloved local musician and environmentalist. Dr. Fisher worked for the defense in analyzing the mindset of RIT professor Tim Wells, who killed his wife after 19 years of marriage. Dr. Fisher believes there are lessons to learn from the tragic ending of what friends thought was the perfect marriage.
At 1pm, should New York state educate prisoners? The governor is going forward with a plan to try to reduce recidivism. His Republican critics say it's a waste of taxpayer money and bad timing. We'll hear from Assemblyman Bill Nojay, and we'll talk to Rob Scott of Cornell, who has directed similar prisoner education programs.