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New Technology to Manage Potential Head Injuries

It's estimated that as many as 3.8-million Americans experience concussive events as a result of athletic or recreational activities each year.

Now, new technology from a Rochester company can alert people ahead of time and possibly prevent head injuries.

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It's called the Linx Impact Assessment System, developed by BlackBox Biometrics, a company that evolved from an incubator at RIT

Company founder David Borkholder says the wearable technology, helps evaluate potentially concussive forces on the playing field.

A sensor fits into a headband or skull cap, and through an app, allows  parents, coaches and athletic trainers to monitor how hard and how many times an athlete is hit playing sports.

Borkholder says its designed to help make better choices for athletes, and it can also be used to fine-tune techniques to help reduce the level of impact during play.

He says it's not measuring injury but the forces experienced by the athlete.

Borkholder says concussions can't be prevented, but this new technology can alert people to the severity of impacts athletes are encountering on the playing field.

He says they're hopeful this technology will make sports safer for athletes of all ages.

It's expected the product will be launched by the end of March.