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Area leaders react to Charlottesville violence

State and local officials are reacting to the deaths and violence in Charlottesville, Virginia:

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s statement:

"I and my fellow New Yorkers reject the hateful and ugly ‎rhetoric and violence taking place in Charlottesville last night and into today. We condemn the language of white supremacy and ugly racist hate speech and stand appalled at the violence that has resulted in injury and death. There are not many sides to the violence of last night and today - these actions and this speech are a poison and serve to bring us all down to the lowest and most un-American of moments. I stand united with the many voices who call this out for what it is - hate, ignorance and bigotry and I join all who loudly speak out in truth and condemnation. "

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren released this statement:

"What happened over the past 24 hours in Charlottesville is nothing short of overt racism and white supremacy, and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of such unnecessary violence. President Trump said there are ‘many sides’ to the violence that occurred, but there was only one. You are either on the right side of history, or the wrong side. There is no room in the middle. In Rochester, we stand up for the progressive values that Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass fought for - and we will continue to do so by combating the structural racism and inequities that still plague our community. I am proud that our Deputy Mayor, Dr. Cedric Alexander, represented those values as a trusted expert on CNN today, and we will continue to ensure Rochester is a welcoming place for all."

Congressman Tom Reed’s statement:

Sponsor Message

"I'm outraged by the violence and senseless deaths that occurred today in Charlottesville and condemn those who would abuse our freedoms and divide us with bigotry.  Hatred will never have a place in the true American spirit. Our condolences are with the families of all three of today's victims."

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's statement:

“My heart is with the people of Charlottesville, especially those standing up to hatred, racism, and bigotry. 

The white supremacist violence on display in Charlottesville this weekend is an affront to everything this country represents. When you give license to open expressions of bigotry against some groups, you open the door to bigotry against all groups of people.

Each of us—especially those of us in public office—has a moral obligation to condemn these actions in the strongest of terms. False equivalencies between "sides" simply provides cover to the white supremacists seeking to take our country backwards and tear our communities apart.

Our diversity is our greatest strength—and we will not allow anyone to turn that strength against us.”

New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli's statement:

"The chaos and tragic loss of life in Charlottesville are a warning and a wake-up call. Violence and intolerance are taking the place of place of discourse in our nation. All leaders, particularly the White House, must call out domestic terrorism and white supremacist hatred by name. Failure to confront and condemn the disease only helps it grow.” 

Two groups, Action Together Rochester and Indivisible Rochester say that they will hold a rally to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville, Sunday night at 7:00 in Washington Square Park

Randy Gorbman is WXXI's director of news and public affairs. Randy manages the day-to-day operations of WXXI News on radio, television, and online.