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Malik Evans announces run for Rochester Mayor

Malik Evans (screenshot from his campaign for mayor website)
Malik Evans (screenshot from his campaign for mayor website)

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren has a challenger from within the ranks of City Council in this year’s mayoral election. City Council member Malik Evans announced in a campaign video on Monday night that he will enter the 2021 mayoral race.

Evans, a Democrat, would be mounting a primary campaign against fellow Democrat Lovely Warren, who announced earlier this monthshe is running for a third term.

Evans’ campaign theme is “building bridges,” and he said that he would work to “mend the gulfs that have separated our communities for too long.” Evans also keyed in on “trust and transparency” in his campaign statement, and said that he will form a compact with the community which includes areas like jobs, neighborhoods and public safety.

Warren is facing a challenging year leading up to the June primary since she was indicted last fall on campaign finance charges, accusations that she has said she will fight. She has also faced criticism and questions surrounding the death of Daniel Prude last March, after he was restrained by officers and suffocated, and how City Hall handled information about that case in the months following.

Before being elected to City Council in 2017, Evans was Rochester School Board President and served in that position from 2008-2013. He has worked in the banking industry for a number of years.

A statement put out Monday night by Warren’s campaign committee, Friends of Lovely Warren said:

Sponsor Message

"We’ve prepared for this moment.  All over the country unfortunately it’s been our brothers that have been first in line to take on sisters.  The powers that be playbook hasn’t changed since the days of slavery.  We know our ancestors are looking down upon us and asking...when will our people learn.

The Warren Campaign is committed to breaking these generational curses.  We will run on our record of service and our record of results. We’re confident that He who delivered us two victories before will deliver us another victory."

In a city where Democrats hold such a large margin in terms of voter registration, the primary is often tantamount to winning the general election in November.

Malik Evans campaign video released on Monday evening:

Randy Gorbman is WXXI's director of news and public affairs. Randy manages the day-to-day operations of WXXI News on radio, television, and online.