The Greece Central School District is releasing more information about the hybrid model of instruction they plan to offer this fall if schools in New York state are allowed to reopen.
The hybrid model, which a number of other districts locally and around the state are considering, would involve a mixture of both in-classroom and remote learning.
In Greece, it would involve four groups of students: One group of students would attend school Monday and Thursday; the second would go to school on Tuesday and Friday; a third group, including English Language Learners and some special education students, would go to school Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; and a fourth group of students would learn remotely 100 percent of the time.
Greece school officials say that all students will learn from home on Wednesdays so that schools can be thoroughly sanitized and teachers can participate in professional development.
Officials say that the hybrid model, where most students are in school two days a week and home three days, appears to be the best way to address the health and safety of students and staff during the coronavirus pandemic. All teachers and support staff, under this plan, will be working from school every day.
Greece Central School District is the largest suburban school district in Monroe County and the 10th largest district in New York state.