The NY State Labor Department is out with new numbers on the unemployment rate, and they show a drop of about a half point compared to a year ago. The jobless rate for October was 4.5 percent, down from 4.9 percent in September, and 5.1 percent in October of last year.
State Labor Analyst Tammy Marino says it's the continuation of a recent trend.
"The recession ended about six years ago, and during that time, the Rochester area has regained all of the jobs that were lost to the recession and we've also created an additional 10,000 new jobs, and as a result, we're looking at a fairly strong job market with sustained job growth."
Marino says the Rochester area unemployment rate is getting pretty close to where it used to be by historical standards, before the recession.
Last week, the state said that the Rochester area saw increase of 8,400 private sector jobs over the last year.