First hour: Discussing the Less is More Act
Second hour: Dorothy Wickenden on her book, "The Agitators"
New York has passed one of the most ambitious pieces of parole reform in the country, and police leaders are not happy about it. The law is called the Less is More Act. It prohibits re-incarceration of people on parole for "technical violations" of parole. In other words, if a parolee misses a meeting, or flunks a drug test, they wouldn't automatically go back to jail. Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter published a list of dozens of people who have already been released under the law; he says these are violent offenders and the community is now less safe. Our guests debate it:
- Korey Brown, Monroe County Undersheriff
- Jim VanBrederode, chief of the Gates Police Department
- Jacquelyn Grippe, Monroe County Senior Assistant Public Defender
- Sebrone Johnson, senior vice president of operations for the Urban League of Rochester
Then in our second hour, what can Harriet Tubman, Martha Coffin Wright, and Frances Seward teach modern day Americans about social justice? Dorothy Wickenden explores their remarkable lives and work in her book, “The Agitators.” She will lead a virtual talk through the University of Rochester next week, but first, she joins us on Connections. Our guest:
- Dorothy Wickenden, author of “The Agitators”