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Connections: RTA President Adam Urbanski on school reopening plans

Last week, New York State Education Commissioner Betty Rosa sent a letter to the State Department of Health asking Commissioner Howard Zucker to consider the department’s responsibilities as school officials prepare for the upcoming academic year. In a statement, Rosa’s office said, “The circumstances enveloping the Executive Chamber this week should not prevent the Department of Health from the execution of its responsibilities to the public, as has been promised by the Governor’s office for months.”

Over the next few weeks, we will hear from a number of local school leaders about their plans for the fall: what they expect classrooms to look like, the guidance they’d like to have from the state, and what they are hearing from teachers, students, and families. Our guest this hour weighs in on the Rochester City School District: 

Evan Dawson is the host of "Connections with Evan Dawson." He joined WXXI in January 2014 after working at 13WHAM-TV, where he served as morning news anchor. He was hired as a reporter for 13WHAM-TV in 2003 before being promoted to anchor in 2007.
Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.

Connections with Evan Dawson

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