“Plandemic” – the debunked film about COVID-19, featuring a discredited researcher – went viral before platforms did their best to remove it. More than eight million people watched the movie, which pushes conspiracy theories and misinformation about the origins of and treatments for COVD-19. While news sources have reported on the hoax, many people have shared points and clips from the film, saying they believe the information that has been proven false.
How do you have conversations with people who promote narratives that don’t rely on facts or evidence? This hour, we have a conversation about epistemology and media literacy as they relate to “Plandemic” and beyond. Our guests:
- Zeynep Soysal, assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Rochester
- Richard Feldman, professor of philosophy at the University of Rochester
- Jeremy Sarachan, chair of the Media and Communication Department; and associate professor and program director of interactive media, video, and game design at St. John Fisher College