A new art series called "At the Crossroads: Activating the Intersection of Art and Justice" is exploring themes of racial justice. One of the installations is called "Black Magic Slays the Magical Negro." What is the Magical Negro? The concept, largely credited to Spike Lee, describes one black character in art or film that is designed as a savior – saving white people or the white race. The concept shows up in politics too; recent calls for Oprah and Michelle Obama are examples.
This hour, we discuss the concept, and how the art series can spark community conversations. Our guests:
- Rachel DeGuzman, president and CEO of 21st Century Arts, and an artist in residence at Gallery 74
- Reenah Golden-Collier, co-creator of Kuumba Consultants
- N'Jelle Gage-Thorne, founder and director of FuturPointe Dance