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Connections: LGBTQ community showing solidarity

When the alt-pop band MUNA was writing their new song, "I Know a Place," the Orlando night club massacre rocked the country. That event gives the song a new urgency, and Time Magazine has referred to it as a kind of LGBTQ anthem.

This is a tenuous moment for the LGBTQ community. A report links the declining suicide rate with the passage of marriage equality, but the community is already reeling with the Trump administration's transgender order for schools, and concerned about other possible changes. A local grand jury will decide if an assault on a straight ally is a hate crime*, which has sparked discussion over what hate crimes are, and are not.

Our guests cover a wide range:

*Correction: Guests on this program indicated that the Victor assault case would not be classified as a hate crime. WXXI News spoke with an Ontario County assistant district attorney who said that while a grand jury has met about the case, no information has been released publicly, and there will be no word on an indictment until next week. Please visit for more information as it becomes available.

Evan Dawson is the host of "Connections with Evan Dawson." He joined WXXI in January 2014 after working at 13WHAM-TV, where he served as morning news anchor. He was hired as a reporter for 13WHAM-TV in 2003 before being promoted to anchor in 2007.

Connections with Evan Dawson

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