First hour: The role of public media in helping audiences sort through fake news
Second hour: Governor Cuomo's State of the State address
So-called "fake news" continues to offer problems. Sometimes it's propaganda. Sometimes it's a hoax. Sometimes it's unsourced, bad information. Public media has a vital role in helping the public sort through what is real and what is not. We'll discuss that role, how it's performed, and whether our guests think fake news is here to stay. Our guests:
- Michael Oreskes, senior vice president of news and editorial director for NPR
- Norm Silverstein, CEO of WXXI and award-winning journalist
- Neal Shapiro, president and CEO of WNET and former president of NBC News
Governor Andrew Cuomo is offering his annual State of the State address in regional chunks, and his Monday address contained some promises for Rochester. But what should we expect? After confusion surrounding photonics in Rochester, Cuomo says the state will establish a $10 million photonics competition. What about other industries? What about school spending, and taxes, and early voting, and more? We'll get you up to speed. Our guests:
- Karen DeWitt, WXXI's Capitol Bureau correspondent
- Michael Kink, executive director of the Strong Economy for All Coalition