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3 of 5 ballot props appear headed for failure

Three of five propositions on New York State’s ballot appear headed for failure, with more than 90% of the vote tallied.

Proposals to allow same day voter registration and universal mail in balloting were trailing, with just over 50% of voters saying no to the measures.

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That means people will still need to register to vote at least 10 days before elections, and will not be able to do so on polling day.  And absentee ballots can only be requested if someone is sick and unable to get to the polls or will be away from their voting site on Election Day.

Government reform groups backed the proposals. Republicans and Conservatives campaigned against them. Conservative Party Chair Jerry Kassar says, in a statement, that , if the numbers hold, then New Yorkers  have rejected a “a gross attempt to subvert democracy”. 

The third proposal that is also poised to be rejected would have made changes to the state’s redistricting process.

Two measures are likely to pass; one guarantees New Yorkers the constitutional right to clean air, clean water, and a healthful environment. The other increases the monetary threshold for cases in New York City’s civil courts from $25,000 to $50,000.   

Karen DeWitt is Capitol Bureau chief for the New York Public News Network, composed of a dozen newsrooms across the state. She has covered state government and politics for the network since 1990.