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Hobart And William Smith Colleges Mark Opening Of New Performing Arts Center

Officials at Hobart and William Smith Colleges this weekend are officially taking the wraps off a new performing arts center.

It’s called the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts, named after college president Mark Gearan, and it brings together music, dance, theater and other programs all under one roof.

Chris Button is the college’s associate director for planning and construction. He  the new 65,000 square foot facility will provide a more cohesive experience.

“Prior to this building, we were performing individually in separate buildings so there were very disjointed programs. By bringing them all into one space, they can work together, musicians and dancers performing and creating recitals together. Theater, bringing music or dance into their programs.

Button says the performing arts have a very important place on the campus of Hobart and William Smith.

“Liberal Arts is built around well-rounded educational experience and we’re committed to global citizenship and part of that is not just math and science and literature but also arts in any form. Dance, music, theater just makes our students that much better as a result of this experience.”

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There will be a ribbon cutting at Hobart and William Smith in Geneva Saturday afternoon at one o’clock, with students performances Saturday night at 8.

Randy Gorbman is WXXI's director of news and public affairs. Randy manages the day-to-day operations of WXXI News on radio, television, and online.