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Jazz Fest Organizers Set the Stage on 1370 Connection

The organizers of the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival say they are ready for the best event yet in the festival long history.

Two weeks from Friday, the first notes will be played at venues all over downtown Rochester as the 11th annual Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival gets under way.

Festival founder John Nugent and co-producer Marc Iacona spoke with WXXI’s Bob Smith about preparations for this year on 1370 Connection on Monday, June 11.

The 11th edition of the festival will mark the return of Norah Jones, who played in a club venue in the first festival just before her breakthrough record "Don't Know Why" came out and topped the charts. Jones comes back this year as a headliner in a sold out show at Kodak Hall on June 29th.

The Festival website has a full list of performances and ticket information.