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The local population is getting older; what's next?

A woman with short brown hair wearing a black and white sweater holds her arm around the shoulder of a woman with white hair on her left. They are walking outside, facing away from the camera.

12:00: The local population is getting older; what's next?

1:00: The story of Rochester civil rights legend Constance Mitchell

For the first time in history, 25 percent of Monroe County's population is 60 or older. Nationally, more than 11,000 people a day are turning 65. A lot of the coverage makes the aging population sound like a dangerous trend: a wave, a tsunami. Lifespan wants us to view it differently: an older population means we are living longer, and with the right approach and resources, we can live well. We talk about how with our guests:

  • Ann Marie Cook, president and CEO of Lifespan
  • Assemblymember Sarah Clark, District 136
  • Leanne Rorick, board member for the Greater Rochester Area Partnership for the Elderly (GRAPE), and aging services administrator for the Monroe County Office for the Aging
  • Bibianna Silvera-Portacio, local caregiver

Then in our second hour, a new children's book brings the story of Constance Mitchell to life. Illustrated by local artist Shawn Dunwoody, and co-written by Leslie C. Youngblood, Walter Cooper, Shane Wiegand, and Mitchell's daughter, Constance Mitchell-Jefferson, "Constance Mitchell Stands Up" tells the story of one of Rochester's civil rights pioneers. Our guests talk about the life and stories that they believe everyone in our community should know. Our guests:

  • Constance Mitchell-Jefferson, Constance Mitchell's daughter and co-author of "Constance Mitchell Stands Up"
  • Leslie C. Youngblood, co-author of "Constance Mitchell Stands Up"
  • Shawn Dunwoody, artists and illustrator for "Constance Mitchell Stands Up"
  • Shane Wiegand, co-author of "Constance Mitchell Stands Up" and co-director of Our Local History

*Note: Connections is livestreamed each day on the WXXI News YouTube channel. Watch here.

Evan Dawson is the host of "Connections with Evan Dawson." He joined WXXI in January 2014 after working at 13WHAM-TV, where he served as morning news anchor. He was hired as a reporter for 13WHAM-TV in 2003 before being promoted to anchor in 2007.
Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.

Connections with Evan Dawson

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