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Coming up on Connections: Monday, May 27, 2024

Microphone and headphones
Who is Danny
Microphone and headphones

First hour: Special Programming – “Early Risers: Breaking Silence”

Second hour: Special Programming — "How Does the Russian Propaganda Machine Work? Are There Lessons for the United States?”

We bring you special national programming on Monday, May 27, 2024.

In the first hour, a conversation from American Public Media. Children are like sponges, soaking up the behaviors and biases they see acted out by the adults around them and society at large. In addition, studies show children who are only a few months old are showing racial preferences for people in their lives. As children enter toddler and preschool age, their racial identity is solidifying; they are developing definitions, preferences, and attitudes about race. Before their ideas become bedrocks of their adult belief systems, they need good, well-informed, and compassionate conversations with knowledgeable caregivers that contradict implicit bias, celebrate cultural differences and explore racism in our world. But there are too few caregivers who are prepared to have these conversations with young children. Why? In this hour, early childhood experts from around the country talk about the reasons many caregivers are not venturing into conversations about race, racism and cultural diversity and we look at the impact that has on our children, other BIPOC adults, and our early childhood programs. Finally, we explore ways to break down those barriers for the benefit of our children. We answer the question- what is needed in our early childhood spaces to encourage the vulnerability and exploration caregivers need to enter into these essential conversations with young children?

Then in the second hour, when Ukrainian soldiers liberated the town of Bucha, Ukraine in March, 2022, news reports showed scenes of bodies lying in the streets. Human Rights Watch documented cases of summary executions. But on Russian state television, the news was presented as “fake,” a staged event. Objective reporting about the war in Ukraine is now against the law in Russia and journalists can’t even use the word “war” in their stories. But it wasn’t always like this. Two veteran Russian journalists, who’ve experienced the changes firsthand, explain what’s happened and how “fake news” has helped solidify authoritarian rule in Russia. This is one episode of “In the Room with Peter Bergen,” a weekly show from Audible Originals that delivers sound-rich, narrative explorations of issues affecting the safety and security of the United States, its citizens, and the world. Guests:

  • Galina Timchenko, CEO and publisher of the independent news organization Meduza
  • Alexey Kovalev, Russian investigative reporter
Megan Mack is the executive producer of "Connections with Evan Dawson" and live/televised engagement programming.

Connections with Evan Dawson

Connections is our daily, live talk show. It airs live weekdays, noon-2 p.m., and re-airs at 9 and 10 p.m. You can also find us wherever you find your podcasts.

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For transcripts, please email our Move to Include team with the day, subject, and start time (noon or 1 pm) of the episode for a transcript.